Terms of Service

Introductory provisions

You - Customer & User

The Terms and Conditions of Business ("T&Cs") govern the business relationship between the customer (the "Customer") and Astra and describe the rights and responsibilities of Astra and the Customer in connection with the use by the Customer of the services provided by Astra, namely the automated service offering provided through the Astra web platform (the "Platform") and mobile applications (the "Applications", and together with the Platform, the "Astra Technology") and the assistance provided by Astra account executives and support services (together, the "Services").

About us - Astra Technology & our team

Astra enables its Clients to optimize the advertising offers of the Amazon eCommerce platform through machine learning.

The Astra Technology offers two main services:

(i) Automated optimization of your advertising campaigns: thanks to its machine learning algorithms, Astra Technology, based on a Target ACOS (ratio representing the average cost of acquisition of sales from advertising) chosen by the User of a Client account, automates the creation, updating and stopping of the Client's advertising campaigns on eCommerce Platforms.

(ii) Performance Visualization: The core mission of Astra Technology is the automated optimization of your ad campaigns. We couple this optimization with the ability to visualize the results of your campaigns.

We offer our clients access to our technology for their teams, via the creation of a user account (a "User Account") that allows them to set up media buying strategies, track actions taken by Astra Technology & view results.

If you have any questions about our Terms & Conditions, please feel free to send us an email at hello@sellrbox.com

Description of Astra - Purpose

The Astra technology offers two main services: automated optimization of advertising campaigns & performance visualization.

Help Desk

A user support service is available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm PST for users. This service can be reached by e-mail at hello@sellrbox.com

Any User who has a complaint about the operation of the site or the publications appearing on it may submit it in writing, giving all relevant details, to the address hello@sellrbox.com. Complaints will be dealt with as soon as possible and Astra will aim to respond within 48 hours. Upon receipt of a complaint or notification, Astra will have the sole discretion to determine whether or not a breach has occurred and, if so, to delete or modify, in whole or in part, any disputed elements.

Intellectual Property Rights

Astra grants to the Customer and to the User (for any User covered by the Customer's subscription), for the duration of the Customer's subscription to the Astra Services, a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable license to access and use the Astra Technology, within the limits of the Services subscribed to by the Customer, for the world, subject to the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions

The Customer and any User acknowledges that they do not acquire any rights whatsoever in the object codes and source codes of the Astra Technology and its Services, which are and shall remain the exclusive property of sellrbox.

The Customer and any User acknowledges that all content on Astra , existing or future, is protected and is the exclusive property of Astra . Consequently, unless expressly authorized by Astra, all reproductions, representations and uses by the Customer and the User other than those mentioned above are prohibited. Any failure to comply with these obligations shall constitute an infringement within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.

Force majeure

Each of Astra the Customer and any User shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under the Terms and Conditions in the event of Force Majeure. In particular, it is agreed that in the event of Force Majeure, Astra may immediately suspend access to the Astra site and Services, which suspension shall in no way constitute a cause of liability for Astra.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Force Majeure" shall mean any case of force majeure or act of God, including, in addition to any other cases recognized by American law, any unforeseeable, irresistible event external to the parties.vv



1. Acceptance

Acceptance by the Customer of the Terms and Conditions ("T&C", of which the Introductory Provisions are deemed to be an integral part) is an essential and mandatory prerequisite to the use of the Astra Technology and its Services. You expressly acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted these T&Cs, which shall apply to all services performed by Astra for the Customer. The T&Cs shall prevail over any terms and conditions to the contrary that may appear in the general terms and conditions of purchase or any other document issued by the Customer. However, Astra reserves the right to deviate from certain clauses of the T&Cs depending on the negotiations with the customer, by establishing special terms and conditions of sale (in particular by concluding a service contract or special terms and conditions) to be approved by the customer.

2. Modifications

The General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Customer are those available at the date of the Customer's subscription. It is therefore specified that any modification of the General Terms and Conditions made by Astra will not apply to any current subscription, unless expressly agreed by the Customer. We recommend that the Customer save and/or print these T&Cs for safe and durable storage, and thus be able to invoke them at any time during the performance of the contract if necessary.

3. Cost of Technology and Service - Pricing

The use of Astra Technology is a paid service, charged by subscription.


The Astra technology prices are available on our website at the following page: https://astra.sellrbox.com/pricing

The prices of the Services sold are those in effect on the day of the decision to subscribe to the Astra Service. The prices are denominated in US dollars and are calculated exclusive of taxes. Consequently, if outside the US, they will be increased by the VAT rate applicable on the basis of the information provided by the Customer. Astra will not be liable in the event that the Customer provides, voluntarily or involuntarily, erroneous or misleading information leading to the application of an incorrect VAT rate. Customer shall be responsible for all applicable taxes (including but not limited to withholding tax, sales tax, services tax, value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST), tariffs, Universal Services Fund (USF) fees (collectively, “Taxes”) imposed by any government entity or collecting agency based on the Services, except those Taxes based on Company net income, and/or those Taxes for which Customer has provided a certificate confirming Customer is otherwise exempt.

Astra reserves the right to change its rates at any time, provided that the rates contracted at the time of the Customer's subscription will continue to apply until the expiration of the subscription period. In the event of automatic renewal, the new price list, which will be notified to the Customer before the expiration of the current subscription period, will apply, unless the Customer wishes to interrupt the subscription.

Terms of payment & Commercial discount

The subscription to the Astra Service is monthly or annual. The fixed fee is billed on the first day of the subscription and the variable fee on the last day of the subscription and on each anniversary date. It can be paid by credit card or direct debit.

Like its rates, Astra reserves the right to change its commercial discount policy at any time.


The Customer agrees to receive invoices in electronic format and in English.

Customer agrees to:

Provide accurate billing information to enable Astra to charge applicable taxes, including but not limited to:

In the United States: billing address (including state and city) where the service will be used.

In Europe: billing address and country with VAT number.

Automatic renewal

For a monthly subscription, the renewal is tacit from one month to another.

For a yearly subscription, the renewal is tacit from one year to the next.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, see the paragraph below Cancellation of Astra Services.


The credit that may accumulate on a Customer's account (as a result of a promotion, for example), expires at the end or termination of the current Contract, has no cash or exchange value and cannot be transferred or refunded.

Default of payment

Payments are made automatically by credit card or direct debit on the anniversary date of the subscription. In case of non-payment, we send a reminder by email to the Customer, asking them to pay their subscription, by the means of payment of their choice, as soon as possible.

If the customer has not paid their subscription five (7) calendar days after the anniversary date of their subscription, we will cut off access to the Astra Technology, stop all optimization of advertising campaigns and suspend the campaigns managed by our Service. The payment corresponding to the duration of the customer's subscription will still be due (until the end of the month or the year depending on the type of subscription).

In the event that the Customer encounters difficulties in honoring their payment, we invite them to contact us by email at hello@sellrbox.com to discuss their situation.

4. Duration

Subscriptions can be monthly or annual.

Any subscription period started is invoiced in its entirety.

Renewal of the contract is tacit and automatic, unless terminated by the Customer in accordance with the provisions herein. Upon renewal, the term of the contract is extended for a period equivalent to the billing period initially chosen by the Customer.

The Customer may use the Astra Technology and Services as long as the Customer has a current subscription and is current with its payment obligations to Astra.

5. Termination of Services Astra

A subscription may be terminated either by the Customer or by Astra.

Termination by the Customer

If you choose to terminate our services, please indicate this in the form available at the following link: https://astra.sellrbox.com/contact

For monthly subscriptions, the cancellation must be made at least seven (7) calendar days before the anniversary date. The subscription will automatically end on the last day of the monthly subscription.

For annual subscriptions, cancellation must be made at least thirty (30) calendar days before the anniversary date. The subscription will automatically terminate on the last day of the annual subscription.

In the absence of termination in accordance with this Agreement, the subscription will be extended by tacit renewal for a period equivalent to the duration of the initial subscription that is about to expire.

Termination by Astra

Astra reserves the right to terminate a Customer at any time, automatically and without any formality, including, but not limited to, if Astra has reasonable grounds to believe that the Customer:

Fails to comply with the T&Cs herein described, in particular by failing to meet its payment obligations,

Has their access and/or business user account on the eCommerce platform suspended or terminated,

Pretends to be any other person or entity or misrepresents its customer identity

Engages in inappropriate or objectionable behavior on the Astra Platform or Applications or in the use of the Services, including, but not limited to, behavior that is contrary to public policy or morality, infringement of intellectual property rights (including distribution of counterfeit goods), or more generally behavior that may damage the image of the site or of Astra or its Customers and Users

6. Specific Obligations and Responsibilities of the Customer

The Customer agrees to :

To conduct a lawful business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the terms and conditions of sale of the eCommerce platforms used by the Customer.

Delegate to Astra the access rights to the eCommerce platform used by the Customer that are necessary for the operation of the Service (in particular on Amazon: Advertising API, MWS API, access to Vendor Central).

Grant a right of use to the Astra Service to any User having an account on the eCommerce platform allowing to manage the advertising campaigns. Customer is responsible for the actions of its users and is responsible for removing the access rights of its users when necessary as deemed by the Customer or Astra.

7. Responsibilities of Astra

Astra will use its best efforts to provide its customers with a quality service.

Astra's liability to the Customer shall be limited to the direct responsibility of the Customer and to the damage caused to the Customer as a direct result of such acts. This liability is strictly limited to the compensation of direct damages proven by the Customer and is in any case limited to the amount paid by the Customer for the service provided during the six months preceding the occurrence of the Customer's claim for compensation.

Therefore, Astra shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue, loss of interest, negative impact on the customer's brand image or increased advertising expenses, which the customer may suffer in the event of Force Majeure, damage resulting from misuse of the Services by the Customer, from acts attributable to a third party, or from any action taken by any third party against the Customer or any User, as well as in the event of non-compliance by the Customer or any User with any regulation applicable to personal data.

Similarly, Astra shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages that the Customer may suffer as a result of any malfunction, technical, contractual or regulatory change in any e-Commerce platform that may degrade or prevent the proper functioning of the Astra Technology.

Astra does not review or select the content of sites that may be linked to Astra.com and is not responsible for the content of sites to which links are made. The Customer acknowledges that Astra is bound only by an obligation of means and is not bound by a general obligation to monitor contributions.

The Customer acknowledges that the proper functioning of Astra is subject to the conditions of access to the Internet network, at the Customer's expense, and to its possible limits and restrictions (coverage, saturation, availability).

8. Service Level

The Astra Technology is available on a controlled access basis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to maintenance periods. Astra uses its best efforts to ensure optimal availability of the Service.

Access to the Astra Technology may be subject to certain restrictions on functionality due to operational and maintenance requirements. In the event of an emergency and as a last resort, such as Force Majeure, computer failures, or problems related to telecommunications networks, access to Astra Technology may be temporarily interrupted to perform urgent maintenance, backup or site improvement, and Astra will, where possible, provide advance notice to the Customer. Such interruptions of service will not entitle the Customer to any compensation.

9. Privacy

Customer and Astra agree to treat all documents and information supplementing or pursuant to this Agreement, including all information relating to the business of the parties, as strictly confidential and will not disclose or allow to be disclosed all or any part of its contents (and any other information relating to the parties) to any third party, except with the prior consent of the other party.

Each party agrees, among other things, to the following:

- In the event that either party is required by law or regulation to disclose confidential information, it will, to the extent practicable, promptly provide the other party with prior written notice of such requirement so that the other party may, if necessary, take any protective measures or actions, and that in all circumstances prior consultation on the scope and timing of the proposed disclosure will be possible;

- To limit, by all appropriate means, the total or partial dissemination or use of the confidential information to those of its employees whose intervention is necessary; each party undertakes to inform these persons in advance of the confidential nature of the confidential information, to impose on them the same obligations of confidentiality as those subscribed to herein, and to take all necessary steps to ensure that they respect the confidentiality undertaking;

- Inform the other party of any breach or non-compliance with the obligations imposed by this confidentiality undertaking of which it becomes aware and provide all possible assistance to minimize the effects of any such breach or non-compliance.

As an exception, these confidentiality undertakings shall not apply to Confidential Information that a party can demonstrate: (i) was already in the public domain or known to it or its servants on the day of its disclosure to such party/its servants or would have become so after that date other than by its or its servants' act; (ii) was communicated to such party or its servants on a non-confidential basis by a source other than the other party or its servants, which is not legally or contractually prohibited from disclosing such information to it.

10. Advertising

Client grants Astra the right to use Client's company name and logo as a reference for marketing or promotional purposes on Client's website and in other public or private communications with our existing or potential clients, subject to any standard guidelines for use of Client's brand that Client may have provided. If Customer does not wish to be used as a reference, Customer may email us at any time at hello@sellrbox.com with a clear indication that it does not wish to be included in our references.


1. Acceptance

Any use of the Astra Technology and Services is subject to the prior acknowledgement and express acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use and Provision of Services (hereinafter referred to as "TOU", of which the Preliminary Provisions are deemed to be an integral part) by the Users. The T&C are intended to govern the conditions of use of Astra, its Services and content, by the Users and to define their rights and obligations.

Access to the site and/or use of the Astra Services implies full acceptance of the T&C with immediate effect. Each User is deemed to have read and accepted without reservation all the provisions of the T&C, which will apply to the relationship between the User and Astra as well as more generally to the User's browsing on the site and to any service provided by Astra to the User.

Users are responsible for the manner and consequences of their access to the site, particularly via the Internet. This access may involve the payment of fees to technical service providers such as Internet access providers, which remain at the User's expense. In addition, the User must provide and be entirely responsible for the equipment necessary to connect to the site. The User acknowledges in particular that they have verified that the computer configuration they use is secure and in working order.

2. Modifications

For the purpose of developing its Services, Astra reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the terms, conditions and notices of these Terms and Conditions of Use and Provision of Services (“TOU”), including but not limited to the design, layout and/or configuration of the site, the content of the site or the products and services available therein, and/or to temporarily or permanently cease operation of all or part of the site.

In addition, Astra reserves the right to change the location of the site on the Internet at any time and without notice.

The User acknowledges that Astra shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the User or any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance.

You are advised to regularly review the latest version of the Terms of Service (TOS) on the Astra website and you are advised to save and/or print the TOS for safekeeping so that you can refer to it at any time during the performance of the contract if necessary. Continued use of Astra after any changes to the TOS constitutes acceptance of the changes.

3. User Account Management Astra

Conditions of access and use of the Astra User Account

To access Astra: User may use on the Web Platform:

the email used to set up your business user account on Amazon or your business email used for the Astra User Account and the password provided to you by Astra.

On the Mobile Applications: the business email used for the Astra User Account and the password provided to you by Astra.

The User agrees to provide true, accurate, and current information as entered in the service's registration form, and in particular not to use false names or addresses, or unauthorized names or addresses.

Each User undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality of the data allowing them to access their User space, the User acknowledging that they are the only one responsible for accessing the site through their login and password, unless fraud is proven.

The User further agrees not to make available or distribute any illegal or objectionable information (such as defamatory or impersonatory information) or harmful information (such as viruses). If User does so, Astra may suspend or terminate User's access to the site at its sole discretion.

Information or alert from Astra

The User may at any time request Astra at the following e-mail address: hello@Astra.com, to modify his/her authentication details. The User undertakes to inform Astra immediately if they suspect that their login and/or password have been used by an unauthorized third party, or if they have been lost or stolen.

User Account Settings Astra

The User agrees that information related to the management of their Astra User Account settings (including the type of Activities you perform on the Astra User Account, "Activities" being narrowly defined as (i) any login made by the User to their Astra User Account, (ii) any actions taken by the User through the Astra Technology (iii) any actions taken by the Astra Technology to optimize the advertising offerings of the eCommerce Platforms on behalf of the Customer) will be sent back to Astra in connection with the Service

Deleting your Astra User Account

The User may at any time initiate the process of closing the Astra User Account. This will be done by sending an email request to hello@Astra.com or another Astra user support address provided to you by Astra. Astra will aim to complete the required steps within a period of five (5) calendar days.

Deletion of a User Account by a User

A request for deletion by e-mail must be accompanied by a scanned copy of a valid identification document, otherwise Astra will not be able to comply with your request. An acknowledgement of receipt of the deletion request will be sent to the email address you have provided to Astra.

Deletion of a User Account by Astra

In addition, any Astra account that has been inactive for more than twelve (12) months may be terminated by Astra upon notice to you via email to the address associated with your account and which remains unanswered for thirty (30) calendar days following notification.

Astra also reserves the right to terminate a User Account in the event of a breach by the User of the Terms and Conditions.

4. Availability of the site and the Astra Services

The site is accessible to Users on a permanent basis, except in cases of Force Majeure, computer breakdowns, or problems related to telecommunications networks. As an exception, Astra may, if necessary, interrupt access to the site in order to carry out maintenance, backup or improvement operations. Maintenance and/or service interruption operations will not entitle the User or the Customer to any compensation.

The User may use the Astra Technology and its Services as long as the Customer has a contract withAstra and an active User Account.

5. Obligations and Responsibilities of Users

Access to the Astra Technology, its Services and the Platform and Applications is the sole responsibility of the person connecting to them, the User acknowledging that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet.

It is the responsibility of each User to (i) take all appropriate measures to protect his or her own data and/or software, in particular from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet or from the intrusion of a third party into his or her terminal system for any purpose whatsoever, and to verify that the files transmitted do not contain any computer virus (ii) to comply with all applicable laws, (iii) to make reasonable and good faith use of the Services or content, according to the possibilities and purposes for which they were designed, and (iv) to carefully select the elements necessary for the functioning of the Astra Technology algorithm and in particular the Target ACOS.

Astra shall not be liable for any damage caused to Users, their computer equipment and data as a result of using the site, nor for any consequences to their activities.

Astra assumes no liability, direct or indirect, for any direct or indirect damage or loss arising from the use of the services or content by Users or third parties. In particular, Astra shall not be liable for any misrepresentations made by a User and for his or her conduct towards third parties. In the event that Astra is held liable for any such conduct of a User, the User agrees to indemnify Astra against any judgment against it and to reimburse Astra for all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred in its defense.

In particular, Astra shall not be liable for: (i) use of the Astra site or Services not in accordance with the specifications or recommendations provided by Astra, (ii) any act of a third party, (iii) any act of any User, (iv) any consequential loss such as, but not limited to, business interruption, commercial loss, loss of orders, loss of customers, (iv) any indirect damage such as, in particular, operating loss, commercial damage, loss of orders, loss of clientele, reputational damage or damage to brand image, loss of turnover, income or margin, commercial disturbance of any kind whatsoever, loss of opportunity, cessation of activity, (v) any action directed by any third party against any User, (vi) any case of Force Majeure.

User certifies that it is Authorized by Customer to use the Astra Technology and Services and to manage advertising campaigns on the eCommerce platforms. If User has any technical access to manage the eCommerce user account that is not authorized by Customer, User must notify Customer of such technical access as soon as possible and refrain from using the Astra Technology and Services.

6. Privacy Policy

The User is hereby informed that certain personal data, which may identify him/her/they directly or indirectly, and which are indicated as mandatory on the forms and collected as part of the service described herein, are necessary for the use of the Astra site and services. The personal data that Astra collects from the User may include: last name, first name, email.

Astra may record User Activities within the Astra Technology for security purposes, including to allow you to identify any access to your Astra account by a third party without your knowledge. The history of these Activities may be retained in an identifiable manner by Astra for a maximum period of one (1) year and will be permanently destroyed upon deletion of your Astra account.

This data is derived in particular from the voluntary provision of information by Users, and/or from computer traces induced by navigation on the site.

By providing this information, the User expressly agrees that it may be processed by Astra, which may use it to provide the Astra Services requested by the User and to manage the operations performed on the site. The User's personal data may also be used for the creation and operation of User accounts and for the provision of services offered by the site.

Astra is committed to ensuring the protection of the User's personal data and of all personal data obtained in the course of using the services of the site. Each User is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their user name and password and is solely responsible for all accesses to his or her User Account, whether or not authorized. Astra shall not be liable for any action or damage done through the User's personal space by a third party who has access to his or her user name and password. The User agrees to inform Astra immediately if they becomes aware of or suspects any unauthorized use of or access to his/her personal space.

The User acknowledges that they are aware that the personal data provided may be transferred by Astra for the purpose of operating the site, and that Astra may also make commercial use of the User's personal data, both on its own behalf and on behalf of third-party partners. Astra may use the personal data for commercial prospecting purposes or for sending newsletters, it being specified that the User may withdraw or restrict his/her consent at any time

The information collected from the User, except for the right of access and rectification by contacting Astra, is processed to ensure the proper functioning of the site and the services provided to the User.

In accordance with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation, adopted by the European Parliament on 14 April 2016), Astra informs the User of the following:

- Identity of the data controller: company Astra, whose full contact details appear herein.

- Purpose of the processing: to enable the authentication of Users on the Site, to perform its contractual obligations (including, but not limited to, the management of customer relations and payment transactions), to send, in accordance with applicable legislation, information on m19 products, services and events that may be of interest to Customers or Users.

- Recipient of personal data: Astra is the recipient of personal information. As an exception to the foregoing, Astra may be required to transmit personal data if compelled to do so by a legal or regulatory obligation, or a judicial or administrative order.

- Data Retention Period: Upon termination of the account, Astra will provide access to Users of the account to access their past performance data, unless Users explicitly request otherwise. In which case, Astra will destroy such performance data within 3 months of account closure and will not retain Users' personal data (subject to legal and regulatory obligations applicable to Astra, including document retention or archiving).

Computer rights and freedoms of the User

The User has the following rights concerning their personal information, which they may exercise by contacting Astra by email or mail.

Right to have a treatment confirmed

The User has the right to obtain confirmation from the data controller as to whether or not personal data concerning him/her are being processed.

Access right and data communication

- The User has the right to access the personal information concerning them, the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated, the envisaged duration of the storage of the personal data, or the criteria used to determine this duration.

- However, due to envisaged obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, the User's request will be processed provided that they provide proof of their identity, in particular by producing a copy of their valid identity document.

- Astra will be entitled, if necessary, to object to requests that are manifestly abusive (in particular because of their number and/or their repetitive or systematic nature).

- The User may find a model letter on the website of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) accessible at the following URL: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/modele/courrier/exercer-son-droit-dacces

Right to rectify data

- The User may request the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data concerning them (right to be forgotten) which may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete. The User may also verify the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, and in such cases, useful information regarding the underlying logic, as well as the significance and intended consequences of such processing.

- The User may also define general and specific directives regarding the fate of personal data after his/her death.

- The User may withdraw his or her consent to the use of his or her personal data at any time (it being specified that the withdrawal of consent does not call into question the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to such withdrawal). The User may also request the limitation of the processing of their personal data.

Right to object

- The User may exercise their right to object (i) for legitimate reasons, or (ii) to object to the use of the data collected for commercial prospecting purposes.‍

Reply duration

Astra undertakes to respond to any request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time which shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days from the receipt of the User's request.

Authorized service providers

Astra may use its authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of data. These service providers will have access to the data collected.

Astra will first ensure that its service providers provide adequate safeguards and comply with strict conditions regarding confidentiality, use and protection of data. In this case, Astra will verify that the transfer is carried out in compliance with the applicable regulations and guarantees an adequate level of protection for the privacy and fundamental rights of the User concerned. Astra will provide more detailed information on these possible transfers upon request of any User.

Complaint to the competent authority

If the User considers that Astra is not complying with its obligations in relation to the protection of personal data, they may submit a complaint to hello@sellrbox.com

Each User declares, by validating the present general conditions, that they have been fully informed of the use that will be made of their data by Astra and give their consent to the processing of their personal data.

Any User may contact Astra in order to exercise his rights as described herein at the following e-mail address: hello@sellrbox.com. Requests for the deletion of personal data will be subject to the obligations imposed on Astra by law, in particular with regard to the conservation or archiving of documents. Users will be asked to specify in their request the reasons why they wish to exercise their rights, and where appropriate to define the scope of the data they wish to have copied and the format of the data they wish to obtain.

In addition, each User has the right to the portability of his personal data, allowing them, upon simple request to Astra (according to the modalities indicated above), to recover the data he has provided in an easily reusable form, and, if necessary, to transfer them to a third party.

7. Cookies & Hypertext links

When the User navigates through the Astra technology or its websites, information may be recorded or read in your terminal through the use of cookies, depending on the choices made in your browser. A cookie is a text file that may be stored in a user's computer when they visit an online service using a browser. During its period of validity, a cookie file allows its issuer to recognize the terminal concerned each time this terminal accesses digital content containing cookies from the same issuer.

We use web analytics services that use cookies. The information about your use of this site (including your IP address) generated by the cookie is transferred to a server and stored there. The User declares that they are aware that when visiting the site, cookies are deposited on their computer, mobile, tablet or any other equipment used by the User to visit the site. Astra wants to provide the best possible experience to the Users. This is one of the reasons why Astra uses cookies to identify the User and to allow access to the User's account.

These solutions use this information to evaluate your use of the Technology and Services to compile reports on Astra Technology Activities. These solutions may also transfer this information to third parties, to the extent legally specified or to the extent that third parties process this data on their behalf. These services do not connect your IP address to any other data stored by them.

These cookies have the following purposes: (i) technical cookies, necessary for the proper functioning of the site and the provision of services to the User (this type of cookie does not allow the identification of the User), (ii) statistical cookies, allowing Astra, for the purpose of measuring and improving the functioning of the site, to have statistics relating, in particular, to the frequentation of the site and the use of the Astra Services (this type of cookie does not allow the identification of the User), ((iii) advertising cookies, allowing the User to have targeted advertisements submitted by Astra's partners. It is specified that Astra has no control over this last category of cookies and cannot be held responsible for them.

The User may at any time configure his browser software so that cookies are stored in his terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected (either systematically or according to their sender). The User may also configure his browser software so that he is offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies from time to time, before a cookie is recorded in his terminal.

Please note that any such setting may affect the User's ability to browse the Internet and access certain services that require the use of cookies. Astra declines all responsibility for any consequences related to the degraded operation of the site resulting from the impossibility of saving or consulting the cookies required for their operation and which the User has refused or deleted.

Astra therefore undertakes to obtain, in compliance with legal provisions, the prior consent of the User for the installation of any tracer requiring your prior information and agreement.

The hyperlinks available on the site may lead to third party sites not published by Astra. They are provided solely for the convenience of the User, to facilitate the use of resources available on the Internet. If the User uses these links, the User will be leaving the site and agreeing to use the third-party sites at the User's own risk or, if applicable, in accordance with the terms and conditions governing such sites.

The User acknowledges that Astra does not control or have any input into the terms of use and/or content applicable to or contained in such third party sites.

Accordingly, Astra shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for such hypertext links. Furthermore, the User acknowledges that Astra does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any or all of the terms of use and/or content of such third party sites. The site may also contain promotional hyperlinks and/or banners to third party sites not published by Astra. Astra invites the User to notify Astra of any hyperlinks on the site that would lead to third party sites with content that is contrary to law and/or morality.